Akselerasi kemandirian pesantren melalui pelaksanaan unit usaha santri


  • Olis
  • Wahidin STAI Kuala Kapuas


Emprowring pesantren, Santri Cooprative unit, Pesantren


This article discussed the implementation of santri cooprative units at pesantren, to improve the character of empowered pesantren. The method used in this study was a qualitative library research type approach, data collection tehniques used literature studies in the form of articles, newspaper, notes and internet. The result obtained from this study was a through education and training, management of the santri cooprative units, the role of kiyai and the principles of cultural values in the organization of the santri coopratvie unit at pesantren. 






How to Cite

Olis, & Wahidin. (2024). Akselerasi kemandirian pesantren melalui pelaksanaan unit usaha santri. AL-IBNOR, 2(1), 1–6. Retrieved from http://ejurnal.staikualakapuas.ac.id/index.php/alibnor/article/view/13